Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4

Data Selection

Please select your preferred settings

You may either select preloaded archetype data which contains some example risk data or choose to import your own data. Note: All preloaded archetype data is in USD. Any user data should be converted to USD before uploading into the Tool.

Strategy Design

Recap of risk data

Instrument details


Economic Assumptions

The Manual Override assumptions let you set the economic assumptions used for the main analysis. The alternative Sensitivity Assumptions can be used if you want additional outputs showing the impact of alternative assumptions. The indicative assumptions are taken from the World Bank framework paper. The user will obtain results more specific to their circumstances if the assumptions are manually overridden with relevant economic assumptions. To enter assumptions please highlight and then type to replace with the desired input. Deleting assumptions will return the input to default indicative assumption.

Sensitivity calculations will be calculated automatically if any of the sensitivity assumptions differ from the equivalent initial assumption or manual override entered.

Please refer to the user guide for details of each assumption.

* Economic assumptions labelled with an asterisk feed into the output of Exhibit 1s (on the Output section) in the case that the sensitivity assumption differs from the initial assumption.

General Assumptions

Indicative Assumption

Manual Override

Sensitivity Assumption

Marginal interest rate on sovereign debt (%) *

Discount rate (%) *

Reserve Fund Assumptions

Investment return on unspent reserves (%) *

Line of Contingent Credit Assumptions

Interest rate on contingent credit (%) *

Arrangement fee for contingent credit (%)

Treatment of outstanding concessionary loans (0 or 1 only)

Repayment term of contingent credit (years)

Emergency Ex-Post Budget Reallocation Assumptions

Social rate of return on projects not funded due to reallocation of budgets (%) *

Ex-post Sovereign Borrowing Assumptions

Marginal interest rate on ex-post borrowing (%) *

Repayment term of ex-post borrowing (years)

Annual effective increase in cost financing through ex-post borrowing

Delay period in financing through ex-post borrowing (months)

Insurance Assumptions

Insurance pricing multiple

Subsidised Insurance Assumptions

Insurance pricing multiple




This Tool has been developed to support World Bank client countries better understand the benefits of ex-ante disaster risk financing instruments. It is an educational tool which aims to increase the user's understanding of different financial instruments that are available to them when managing the risk associated with disasters.

This Tool can be used with either one of the six preloaded data archetypes or manually inputted data which may be imported loss scenarios from the Financial Risk Assessment Tool. This Tool depends on a number of assumptions of the costs of different financial instruments, both explicit (which can be altered by the user) and implicit. It also depends on the quality of the data which is input. Therefore, the output from this Tool remains only an indication of the costs associated with a disaster risk finance strategy, and the total fiscal cost may differ significantly from the Tool's output.

The Tool is designed to work on a laptop or desktop PC with the web browser maximised, you may not be able to use the Tool on smaller screens. Please read the user guides before use.


This Tool was developed by the Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance Program (DRFIP) which is housed in the Finance, Competitiveness and Innovation Global Practice of the World Bank Group. It has been developed with financial support from the European Union.


This Tool has been developed to support World Bank client countries better understand the benefits of ex-ante disaster risk financing instruments. Information in the Tool is provided for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal or scientific advice or service. The World Bank makes no warranties or representations, express or implied as to the accuracy or reliability of the Tool or the data contained therein. Users of the Tool should seek qualified expert advice for specific diagnostic and analysis of a particular project. Any use thereof or reliance thereon is at the sole and independent discretion and responsibility of the user. No conclusions or inferences drawn from the Tool should be attributed to the World Bank, its Board of Executive Directors, its management, or any of its member countries. This Tool does not imply any judgement or endorsement on the part of the World Bank. In no event will the World Bank be liable for any form of damage arising from the application or misapplication of the tool, or any other associated materials.

User guide links

Please find links to the model documentation:

Link to user guide

This comprises a quick start guide as well as a more detailed reference guide explaining the functionality of the model.